We investigate individual differences in cognitive development and in school achievement, their cognitive and neural basis, and the underlying genetic and environmental factors.

We study both normal and pathological variations in cognitive development, with a particular expertise on developmental dyslexia, and a special interest in sex differences.

Within development, we are particularly interested in language, literacy and numeracy, general intelligence, and psychiatric disorders.

We employ more and more an epidemiological approach relying on birth cohorts and large cognitive, educational and biological databases.

Team's current news

September 2022: Lilas Gurgand and Erva Kandemir are starting their first year of PhD. Lilas will work on sex differences, gender bias and school achievement, notably in the Elfe cohort. Erva will work on learning memory in medical students.

29/09/2023: Camille Williams brilliantly defended her PhD, congratulations! She has now flown to the University of Texas, Austin, for her postdoc.

October 2022: François Trublereau joins the team for an M2 research project on the effects of high temperature on school learning and exam performance.

December 2022: Alexandre Reynac joins the team for an M2 research project on the role of gendered activities and gendered family organisation on maths performance in first grade.

February 2023: Lou Kerzreho joins the team to work on the rating of the reading test given to the 10-year-old children in the Elfe cohort.

May 2023: The 2nd edition of Franck's Mooc on "Psychology for teachers" is open!