Introducing the STREAM program & preliminary results on Malawi children's brain development
More infos about the STREAM app
More infos about the STREAM app
Sans que nous en ayons conscience, notre cerveau accomplit un exploit chaque fois que nous écoutons quelqu'un parler : traduire le son perçu en une série d'unités linguistiques, les phonèmes, tout en faisant abstraction du bruit environnant. Mais sur quelles caractéristiques des sons de parole s’appuie-t-il pour réaliser cette tâche ? Par exemple : quels sont les indices acoustiques qui nous permettent de distinguer les mots bas, tas, pas, gars ou cas, ne différant que par leur phonème initial ?
With the end of the year approaching, many of us are thinking about completing this year's donations. A series of hybrid (rue d'ulm+zoom) events to explore the various stages of the decision process, combining presentations, discussions, and hands-on activities.
With the end of the year approaching, many of us are thinking about completing this year's donations. A series of hybrid (rue d'ulm+zoom) events to explore the various stages of the decision process, combining presentations, discussions, and hands-on activities.
With the end of the year approaching, many of us are thinking about completing this year's donations. A series of hybrid (rue d'ulm+zoom) events to explore the various stages of the decision process, combining presentations, discussions, and hands-on activities.
Laura Gwilliams – Stanford University, rapporteuse
Adina Williams – META AI New York, rapporteuse
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz - Paris-Saclay University, examinatrice
Alejandrina Cristia – Ecole Normale Supérieure, examinatrice
Jean-Rémi King– Ecole Normale Supérieure, co-directeur de thèse
Pierre Bourdillon – HFAR, directeur de thèse
The Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in the field of early language acquisition, specifically the first year of life. The successful candidate will work under the direction of Sharon Peperkamp and Sho Tsuji on the development of phonetic and phonological representations as well as the role of social cues therein. One part of the project involves standard in-lab experimental methods; the other part requires co-developing innovative interactive toys and applying them in an at-home training paradigm.
Explorer l'hypothèse de l'inadéquation évolutive du TDAH ...
In a context of widespread rumours that children with a high IQ are at greater risk of school failure, neurodevelopmental and health disorders (Ramus & Gauvrit, 2017), we have conducted several studies testing those hypotheses, concluding that these rumours were unfounded (Guez et al., 2018; Peyre et al., 2016; Ramus, 2024; Shevchenko et al., 2023; Williams et al., 2023).