ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
  • 745 résultats trouvés
Article dans une revue internationale  

Stephen, W., Christophe, G., Veikko, J., Sackur, J. & Tallon-Baudry, C. (2022). Neuronal correlates of the subjective experience of attention. European Journal of Neuroscience, 55(11-12), 3465-3482. doi:10.1111/ejn.15395

Article dans une revue internationale  

Strickland, B., Geraci, C., Chemla, E., Schlenker, P., Kelepir, M. & Pfau, R. (2015). Event representations constrain the structure of language: Sign language as a window into universally accessible linguistic biases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(19), 5968-73. doi:10.1073/pnas.1423080112

Article dans une revue internationale  

Strickland, B. & Chemla, E. (2018). Cross-linguistic regularities and learner biases reflect "core" mechanics. PloS one, 13(1), e0184132. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0184132

Article dans une revue internationale  

Su, M., Zhao, J., De Schotten, T. , Zhou, W. , Gong, G. , Ramus, F. & Shu, H. (2018). Alterations in white matter pathways underlying phonological and morphological processing in Chinese developmental dyslexia. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 31, 11-19. doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2018.04.002

Article dans une revue internationale  

Su, M., De Schotten, T. , Zhao, J., Song, S., Zhou, W. , Gong, G. , McBride, C., Ramus, F. & Shu, H. (2018). Vocabulary growth rate from preschool to school-age years is reflected in the connectivity of the arcuate fasciculus in 14-year-old children. Developmental science, 21(5), e12647. doi:10.1111/desc.12647

Article dans une revue internationale  

Su, M., De Schotten, T. , Zhao, J., Song, S., Zhou, W. , Gong, G. , McBride, C., Tardif, T., Ramus, F. & Shu, H. (2020). Influences of the early family environment and long-term vocabulary development on the structure of white matter pathways: A longitudinal investigation. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 42, 100767. doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100767

Article dans une revue internationale  

Su, M., Peyre, H., Song, S., McBride, C., Tardif, T., Li, H., Zhang, Y., Liang, W., Zhang, Z., Ramus, F. & Shu, H. (2017). The influence of early linguistic skills and family factors on literacy acquisition in Chinese children: Follow-up from age 3 to age 11. Learning and Instruction, 49, 54–63. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2016.12.003

Article dans une revue internationale  

Sun, Y., Giavazzi, M., Adda-Decker, M., Barbosa, L., Kouider, S., Bachoud-Levi, A., Jacquemot, C. & Peperkamp, S. (2015). Complex linguistic rules modulate early auditory brain responses. Brain and language, 149, 55-65. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2015.06.009

Article dans une revue internationale  

Sun, Y. & Peperkamp, S. (2016). The role of speech production in phonological decoding during visual word recognition: evidence from phonotactic repair. Language Cognition and Neuroscience, 31(3), 391-403. doi:10.1080/23273798.2015.1100316

Article dans une revue internationale  

Sundara, M., Ngon, C., Skoruppa, K., Feldman, N., Onario Glenda, M., Morgan, J. & Peperkamp, S. (2018). Young infants’ discrimination of subtle phonetic contrasts. Cognition, 178, 57-66. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2018.05.009

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Synnaeve, G., Versteegh, M. & Dupoux, E. (2014). Learning words from images and speech. In NIPS Workshop on Learning Semantics.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Synnaeve, G. & Dupoux, E. (2016). A temporal coherence loss function for learning unsupervised acoustic embeddings. , Vol. 81: In SLTU-2016 Procedia Computer Science, 95-100.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Synnaeve, G., Schatz, T. & Dupoux, E. (2014 ). Phonetics embedding learning with side information. In IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, 106 - 111. doi:10.1109/slt.2014.7078558

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Synnaeve, G., Dautriche, I., Boerschinger, B., Johnson, M. & Dupoux, E. (2014). Unsupervised word segmentation in context. In Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (CoLing), 2326-2334.

Article dans une revue internationale  

Szenkovits, G. & Ramus, F. (2005). Exploring dyslexics' phonological deficit I: lexical vs sub-lexical and input vs output processes. Dyslexia (Chichester, England), 11(4), 253-68.

Article dans une revue internationale  

Szenkovits, G., Darma, Q., Darcy, I. & Ramus, F. (2016). Exploring dyslexics' phonological deficit II: Phonological grammar. First Language, 36(3), 316-337. doi:10.1177/0142723716648841

Article dans une revue internationale  

Tang, J. , Sun, Y., Yao, Y. , Guez, A., Peyre, H. & Zhao, J. (2021). Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Mediates the Relation Between “Specific Math Anxiety” and Arithmetic Speed. Front. Psychol. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.615601

Article dans une revue internationale  

Teichmann, M., Darcy, I., Bachoud-Levi, A. & Dupoux, E. (2009). The role of the striatum in phonological processing. Evidence from early stages of Huntington's disease. Cortex, 45(7), 839-849. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2008.12.005

Article dans une revue internationale  

Teichmann, M., Dupoux, E., Cesaro, P. & Bachoud-Levi, A. (2008). The role of the striatum in sentence processing: Evidence from a priming study in early stages of Huntington's disease. Neuropsychologia, 46(1), 174-185. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2007.07.022

Article dans une revue internationale  

Teichmann, M., Dupoux, E., Kouider, S. & Bachoud-Levi, A. (2006). The role of the striatum in processing language rules: Evidence from word perception in Huntington's disease. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(9), 1555-1569

Article dans une revue internationale  

Teichmann, M., Dupoux, E., Kouider, S., Brugières, P., Boissé, M., Baudic, S., Cesaro, P., Peschanski, M. & Bachoud-Levi, A. (2005). The role of the striatum in rule application: the model of Huntington's disease at early stage. Brain, 128(5), 1155-1167. doi:10.1093/brain/awh472

Article dans une revue internationale  

Teki, S., Barascud, N., Picard, S., Payne, C., Griffiths, T. & Chait, M. (2016). Neural Correlates of Auditory Figure-Ground Segregation Based on Temporal Coherence. Cerebral Cortex, 26(9), 3669-3680. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhw173

Article dans une revue internationale  

The ManyBabies Consortium, .., Havron, N., Cristia, A. & Carbajal, J. (2020). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, .

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Thiollière, R., Dunbar, E., Synnaeve, G., Versteegh, M. & Dupoux, E. (2015 ). A Hybrid Dynamic Time Warping-Deep Neural Network Architecture for Unsupervised Acoustic Modeling. In INTERSPEECH-2015, 3179-3183.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Thual, A., Dancette, C., Karadayi, J., Benjumea, J. & Dupoux, E. (2018). A K-nearest neighbours approach to unsupervised spoken term discovery. In EEE Spoken Language Technology SLT-2018.

Article dans une revue internationale  

Tieu, L., Pasternak , R., Schlenker, P. & Chemla, E. (2018). Co-speech gesture projection: Evidence from inferential judgments. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics , 3(1), 109. doi:10.5334/gjgl.580

Article dans une revue internationale  

Tieu, L., Križ, M. & Chemla, E. (2019). Children's Acquisition of Homogeneity in Plural Definite Descriptions. Frontiers in Psychology, . doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02329

Article dans une revue internationale  

Tieu, L., Schlenker, P. & Chemla, E. (2019). Linguistic inferences without words. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 116(20), 9796-9801. doi:10.1073/pnas.1821018116

Article dans une revue internationale  

Tieu, L., Pasternak , R., Schlenker, P. & Chemla, E. (2017). Co-speech gesture projection: Evidence from truth-value judgment and picture selection tasks. Glossa, 2, 102. doi:10.5334/gjgl.334

Article dans une revue internationale  

Tieu, L., Yatsushiro , K., Cremers, A., Romoli , J., Sauerland , U. & Chemla, E. (2017). On the Role of Alternatives in the Acquisition of Simple and Complex Disjunctions in French and Japanese. Journal of Semantics, 34, 127-152. doi:10.1093/jos/ffw010