ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
International Journal article  

Di Folco , C. , Guez, A., Peyre, H. & Ramus, F. (2021). Epidemiology of reading disability: A comparison of DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria. Scientific Studies of Reading, NA. doi:10.1080/10888438.2021.1998067

International Journal article  

Claire, S., Corazzol, M. , Labouret, G., Stockart, F. , Wexler, M., King, J. , Florent, M. & Pressnitzer, D. (2021). Bifurcation in brain dynamics reveals a signature of conscious processing independent of report. Nature Communications, 12, 1149. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-21393-z

International Journal article  

Coste, J., Blotière, P., Miranda, S., Mikaeloff, Y., Peyre, H., Ramus, F., Zureik, M., Weill, A. & Dray-Spira, R. (2020). Risk of early neurodevelopmental disorders associated with in utero exposure to valproate and other antiepileptic drugs: a nationwide cohort study in France. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 17362. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-74409-x

International Journal article  

Couvignou, M., Peretz, I. & Ramus, F. (2019 ). Comorbidity and cognitive overlap between developmental dyslexia and congenital amusia. Cognitive neuropsychology, 36(1-2), 1-17. doi:10.1080/02643294.2019.1578205

International Journal article  

Dominey, P. & Ramus, F. (2000). Neural network processing of natural language: I. Sensitivity to serial, temporal and abstract structure of language in the infant. Language and Cognitive Processes, 15(1), 87-127

International Journal article  

Feng, X., Altarelli, I., Monzalvo, K., Ding, G., Ramus, F., Shu, H., Dehaene, S., Meng, X. & Dehaene-Lambertz, G. (2020). A universal reading network and its modulation by writing system and reading ability in French and Chinese children. eLife, 9, e54591. doi:10.7554/eLife.54591

International Journal article  

Forgeot D'Arc, B., Delorme, R., Zalla, T., Lefebvre, A., Amsellem, F., Moukawane, S., Letellier, L., Leboyer, M., Mouren, M. & Ramus, F. (2017). Gaze direction detection in autism spectrum disorder. Autism : the international journal of research and practice, 21(1), 100-107. doi:10.1177/1362361316630880

International Journal article  

Forgeot D'Arc, B., Ramus, F., Lefebvre, A., Brottier, D., Zalla, T., Moukawane, S., Amsellem, F., Letellier, L., Peyre, H., Mouren, M., Leboyer, M. & Delorme, R. (2016). Atypical Social Judgment and Sensitivity to Perceptual Cues in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 46(5), 1574-81. doi:10.1007/s10803-014-2208-5

International Journal article  

Forgeot D'Arc, B. & Ramus, F. (2011). Belief attribution despite verbal interference. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006), 64(5), 975-90. doi:10.1080/17470218.2010.524413

International Journal article  

Galaburda, A., Loturco, J., Ramus, F., Fitch, R. & Rosen, G. (2006). From genes to behavior in developmental dyslexia. Nature neuroscience, 9(10), 1213-7. doi:10.1038/nn1772

International Journal article  

Gialluisi, A., Andlauer, T., Mirza-Schreiber, N., Moll, K., Becker, J., Hoffmann, P., Ludwig, K., Czamara, D., St Pourcain, B., Brandler, W., Honbolygó, F., Tóth, D., Csépe, V., Huguet, G., Morris, A., Hulslander, J., Willcutt, E., Defries, J., Olson, R., Smith, S., Pennington, B., Vaessen, A., Maurer, U., Lyytinen, H., Peyrard-Janvid, M., Leppänen, P., Brandeis, D., Bonte, M., Stein, J., Talcott, J., Fauchereau, F., Wilcke, A., Francks, C., Bourgeron, T., Monaco, A., Ramus, F., Landerl, K., Kere, J., Scerri, T., Paracchini, S., Fisher, S., Schumacher, J., Nöthen, M., Müller-Myhsok, B. & Schulte-Körne, G. (2019). Genome-wide association scan identifies new variants associated with a cognitive predictor of dyslexia. Translational psychiatry, 9(1), 77. doi:10.1038/s41398-019-0402-0

International Journal article  

Gialluisi, A., Andlauer, T., Mirza-Schreiber, N., Moll, K., Becker, J., Hoffmann, P., Ludwig, K., Czamara, D., Pourcain, B. , Honbolygó, F., Tóth, D., Csépe, V., Huguet, G., Chaix, Y., Iannuzzi, S., Démonet, J., Morris, A., Hulslander, J., Willcutt, E., Defries, J., Olson, R., Smith, S., Pennington, B., Vaessen, A., Maurer, U., Lyytinen, H., Peyrard-Janvid, M., Leppänen, P., Brandeis, D., Bonte, M., Stein, J., Talcott, J., Fauchereau, F., Wilcke, A., Kirsten, H., Müller, B., Francks, C., Bourgeron, T., Monaco, A., Ramus, F., Landerl, K., Kere, J., Scerri, T., Paracchini, S., Fisher, S., Schumacher, J., Nöthen, M., Müller-Myhsok, B. & Schulte-Körne, G. (2021). Genome-wide association study reveals new insights into the heritability and genetic correlates of developmental dyslexia. Molecular Psychiatry, 26 (7), 3004-3017. doi:10.1038/s41380-020-00898-x

International Journal article  

Giraud, A. & Ramus, F. (2013). Neurogenetics and auditory processing in developmental dyslexia. Current opinion in neurobiology, 23(1), 37-42. doi:10.1016/j.conb.2012.09.003

International Journal article  

Guez, A., Panaïotis, T. , Peyre, H. & Ramus, F. (2018). Predictors of the IQ-achievement gap in France: A longitudinal analysis. Intelligence, 69, 104-116. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2018.05.008

International Journal article  

Guez, A., Peyre, H., Le Cam, M., Gauvrit, N. & Ramus, F. (2018). Are high-IQ students more at risk of school failure? Intelligence, 71, 32–40. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2018.09.003

International Journal article  

Guez, A., Peyre, H. & Ramus, F. (2020). Sex differences in academic achievement are modulated by evaluation type. Learning and Individual Differences , 83–84, 101935. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2020.101935

International Journal article  

Guez, A., Peyre, H., Williams, C., Labouret, G. & Ramus, F. (2021). The epidemiology of cognitive development. Cognition, 213, 104690. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104690

International Journal article  

Havron, N., Ramus, F., Heude, B., Forhan, A., Cristia, A. & Peyre, H. (2019). The effect of siblings on language development as a function of age difference and sex. Psychological Science, 30(9), 1333-1343. doi:10.31234/osf.io/fgpmd

International Journal article  

Hippolyte, L., Maillard, A., Rodriguez-Herreros, B., Pain, A., Martin-Brevet, S., Ferrari, C., Conus, P., Macé, A., Hadjikhani, N., Metspalu, A., Reigo, A., Kolk, A., Männik, K., Barker, M., Isidor, B., Le Caignec, C., Mignot, C., Schneider, L., Mottron, L., Keren, B., David, A., Doco-Fenzy, M., Gérard, M., Bernier, R., Goin-Kochel, R., Hanson, E., Green Snyder, L., 16p11.2 European Consortium, Simons Variation In Individuals Project, C., Ramus, F., Beckmann, J., Draganski, B., Reymond, A. & Jacquemont, S. (2016). The Number of Genomic Copies at the 16p11.2 Locus Modulates Language, Verbal Memory, and Inhibition. Biological psychiatry, 80(2), 129-139. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.10.021

International Journal article  

Järvinen-Pasley, A., Wallace, G., Ramus, F., Happé, F. & Heaton, P. (2008). Enhanced perceptual processing of speech in autism. Developmental science, 11(1), 109-21. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2007.00644.x

International Journal article  

Jednoróg, K., Marchewka, A., Altarelli, I., Monzalvo Lopez, A., Van Ermingen-Marbach, M., Grande, M., Grabowska, A., Heim, S. & Ramus, F. (2015). How reliable are gray matter disruptions in specific reading disability across multiple countries and languages? Insights from a large-scale voxel-based morphometry study. Human brain mapping, 36(5), 1741-54. doi:10.1002/hbm.22734

International Journal article  

Jednoróg, K., Altarelli, I., Monzalvo, K., Fluss, J., Dubois, J., Billard, C., Dehaene-Lambertz, G. & Ramus, F. (2012). The influence of socioeconomic status on children's brain structure. PloS one, 7(8), e42486. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042486

International Journal article  

Landerl, K., Ramus, F., Moll, K., Lyytinen, H., Leppänen, P., Lohvansuu, K., O'Donovan, M., Williams, J., Bartling, J., Bruder, J., Kunze, S., Neuhoff, N., Tóth, D., Honbolygó, F., Csépe, V., Bogliotti, C., Iannuzzi, S., Chaix, Y., Démonet, J., Longeras, E., Valdois, S., Chabernaud, C., Delteil-Pinton, F., Billard, C., George, F., Ziegler, J., Comte-Gervais, I., Soares-Boucaud, I., Gérard, C., Blomert, L., Vaessen, A., Gerretsen, P., Ekkebus, M., Brandeis, D., Maurer, U., Schulz, E., Van Der Mark, S., Müller-Myhsok, B. & Schulte-Körne, G. (2013). Predictors of developmental dyslexia in European orthographies with varying complexity. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 54(6), 686-94. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12029

International Journal article  

Latimier, A., Kovarski, K., Peyre, H., Fernandez, L. , Gras, D., Leboyer, M. & Zalla, T. (2019). Trustworthiness and Dominance Personality Traits’ Judgments in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi:10.1007/s10803-019-04163-1

International Journal article  

Latimier, A. , Riegert, A. , Ly, S. , Peyre, H., Casati, R. & Ramus, F. (2019). Does pre-testing promote better retention than post-testing? npj Science of Learning, 4(15). doi:10.1038/s41539-019-0053-1

International Journal article  

Latimier, A., Peyre, H. & Ramus, F. (2020). A Meta-Analytic Review of the Benefit of Spacing out Retrieval Practice Episodes on Retention. Educational Psychology Review, 33(3), 959-987. doi:10.1007/s10648-020-09572-8

International Journal article  

Lehongre, K., Morillon, B., Giraud, A. & Ramus, F. (2013). Impaired auditory sampling in dyslexia: further evidence from combined fMRI and EEG. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 7, 454. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00454

International Journal article  

Lehongre, K., Ramus, F., Villiermet, N., Schwartz, D. & Giraud, A. (2011). Altered low-gamma sampling in auditory cortex accounts for the three main facets of dyslexia. Neuron, 72(6), 1080-1090. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2011.11.002

International Journal article  

Liu, C. , Tabea, S., M Davies, N. , Peyre, H., Lim, K. , Barker, E. , Llewellyn, C. , Dudbridge, F. & Pingault, J. (2021). Are there causal relationships between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and body mass index? Evidence from multiple genetically informed designs. International Journal of Epidemiology, 50(2). doi:10.1093/ije/dyaa214

International Journal article  

Liu , T., De Schotten, M. , Altarelli, I., Ramus, F. & Zhao, J. (2021). Maladaptive compensation of right fusiform gyrus in developmental dyslexia: A hub-based white matter network analysis. Cortex, 145, 57‑66. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2021.07.016