ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
International Journal article  

Wierzcho, M., Anzulewicz, A., Hobot, J., Paulewicz, B. & Sackur, J. (2019). In Search of the Optimal Measure of Awareness: Discrete or Continuous? . Consciousness and Cognition, 75, 102798. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2019.102798

International Journal article  

Wang, Y., Seidl, A. & Cristia, A. (2015). Acoustic-phonetic differences between infant- and adult-directed speech: the role of stress and utterance position. Journal of child language, 42(4), 821-842. doi:10.1017/S0305000914000439

International Journal article  

Wang, Y., Seidl, A. & Cristia, A. (2021). Infant speech perception and cognitive skills as predictors of later vocabulary Author links open overlay panel. Infant Behavior and Development, 62, 101524. doi:10.1016/j.infbeh.2020.101524

International Journal article  

Vuillaume , L., Martin, J., Sackur, J. & Cleeremans, A. (2020). Comparing self- and hetero-metacognition in the absence of verbal communication. Plos One. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0231530

International Journal article  

Viarouge, A., Hubbard, E., Dehaene, S. & Sackur, J. (2010). Number line compression and the illusory perception of random numbers. Experimental psychology, 57(6), 446-54. doi:10.1027/1618-3169/a000055

International Journal article  

Vandendriessche, C., Françoise, C., Axel, C. & Sackur, J. (2019). Lower Attentional Skills predict increased exploratory foraging patterns. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 10948. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-46761-0

International Journal article  

Vandendriessche, C., Bastian, M., Peyre, H., Stordeur, C., Asquaviva, E., Bahadori, S., Delorme, R. & Sackur, J. (2017). Attentional Lapses in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Blank Rather Than Wandering Thoughts. Psychological Science, 28(10), 1375-1386. doi:10.1177/0956797617708234

International Journal article  

Vandam, M., Warlaumont, A., Bergelson, E., Cristia, A., Soderstrom, M., De Palma, P. & Macwhinney, B. (2016). HomeBank: An Online Repository of Daylong Child-Centered Audio Recordings. Seminars in Speech and Language, 37(2), 128-142. doi:10.1055/s-0036-1580745

International Journal article  

Tsuji, S., Bergmann, C. & Cristia, A. (2014). Community-Augmented Meta-Analyses: Toward Cumulative Data Assessment. Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 9(6), 661-655. doi:10.1177/1745691614552498

International Journal article  

Tsuji, S., Mazuka, R., Cristia, A. & Fikkert, P. (2015). Even at 4 months, a labial is a good enough coronal, but not vice versa. Cognition, 134(1), 252-256. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2014.10.009

International Journal article  

Tsuji, S. & Cristia, A. (2014). Perceptual attunement in vowels: a meta-analysis. Developmental Psychobiology, 56(2), 179-191. doi:10.1002/dev.21179

International Journal article  

Tsuji, S., Jincho, N. , Mazuka, R. & Cristia, A. (2020). Communicative cues in the absence of a human interaction partner enhance 12-month-old infants’ word learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 191, 104740. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104740

International Journal article  

Tsuji, S., Cristia, A., Franck , M. & Bergmann, C. (2020). Addressing Publication Bias in Meta-Analysis: Empirical Findings From Community-Augmented Meta-Analyses of Infant Language Development. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 228(1), 50-61. doi:10.1027/2151-2604/a000393

International Journal article  

Tsuji, S., Fiévet, A. & Cristia, A. (2021). Toddler word learning from contingent screens with and without human presence. Infant Behavior and Development , 63, 101553. doi:10.1016/j.infbeh.2021.101553

International Journal article  

Tsuji, S., Cristia, A. & Dupoux, E. (2021). SCALa: A blueprint for computational models of language acquisition in social context. Cognition, 104779. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104779

International Journal article  

Tsuji, S., Fikkert, P., Minagawa-Kawai, Y., Dupoux, E., Filippin, L., Versteegh, M., Hagoort, P. & Cristia, A. (2017). The more, the better? Behavioral and neural correlates of frequent and infrequent vowel exposure. Developmental Psychobiology, 59(5), 603-612. doi:10.1002/dev.21534

International Journal article  

Tsuji, S. & Cristia, A. (2013). Fifty years of infant vowel discrimination research: What have we learned? Journal of the Japanese Acoustical Society, 17(3), 1-11

International Journal article  

Tincoff, R., Seidl, A., Buckley, L., Wojcik, C. & Cristia, A. (2019). Feeling the way to words: Parents' speech and touch cues highlight word-to-world mappings of body parts. Language Learning and Development, 15(2), 103-125. doi:10.1080/15475441.2018.1533472

International Journal article  

Tincoff, R., Seidl, A., Buckley, L., Wojcik, C. & Cristia, A. (2019). Feeling the way to words: Parents' speech and touch cues highlight word-to-world mappings of body parts. Language Learning and Development, 15(2), 103-125. doi:10.1080/15475441.2018.1533472

International Journal article  

The ManyBabies Consortium, .., Havron, N., Cristia, A. & Carbajal, J. (2020). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, .

International Journal article  

Stephen, W., Christophe, G., Veikko, J., Sackur, J. & Tallon-Baudry, C. (2022). Neuronal correlates of the subjective experience of attention. European Journal of Neuroscience, 55(11-12), 3465-3482. doi:10.1111/ejn.15395

International Journal article  

Skoruppa, K., Cristia, A., Peperkamp, S. & Seidl, A. (2011). English-learning infants’ perception of word stress patterns. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(1), EL50-55. doi:10.1121/1.3590169

International Journal article  

Sigman, M., Sackur, J., Del Cul, A. & Dehaene, S. (2008). Illusory displacement due to object substitution near the consciousness threshold. Journal of vision, 8(1), 13.1-10. doi:10.1167/8.1.13

International Journal article  

Semenzin, C. , Hamrick, L., Seidl, A., Kelleher, B. & Cristia, A. (2021). Describing Vocalizations in Young Children: A Big Data Approach Through Citizen Science Annotation. . doi:10.1044/2021_JSLHR-20-00661

International Journal article  

Seli, P., Konishi, M., F. Risko, E. & Smilek, D. (2018). The Role of Task Difficulty in Theoretical Accounts of Mind Wandering. Consciousness and Cognition , 65, 255–262. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2018.08.005

International Journal article  

Seidl, A., Cristia, A., Baker, C. & Tincoff, R. (2015). Why the body comes first: effects of experimenter touch on infants' word finding. Developmental Science, 18(1), 155-164. doi:10.1111/desc.12182

International Journal article  

Seidl, A. & Cristia, A. (2012). Infants' learning of phonological status. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 448. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00448

International Journal article  

Seidl, A. & Cristia, A. (2008). Developmental changes in the weighting of prosodic cues. Developmental science, 11(4), 596-606. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2008.00704.x

International Journal article  

Seidl, A., Cristia, A., Soderstrom, M., Ko, E., Abel, E., Kellerman, A. & Schwichtenberg, A. (2018). Infant-Mother Acoustic-Prosodic Alignment and Developmental Risk. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR, 61(6), 1369-1380. doi:10.1044/2018_JSLHR-S-17-0287

International Journal article  

Seidl, A., Alamian, G., Onishi, K. & Cristia, A. (2014). Acoustic correlates of allophonic versus phonemic dimensions in monolingual and bilingual infants’ input. Journal of Phonetics, 45, 43-51. doi:10.1016/j.wocn.2014.03.004